Over the last decade or so, the number of people who say that they read a print newspaper in the last day has declined from 41% to 23%. While some will attribute this to the internet, the reality is that only 29% visited the website of a newspaper. Though the number of people who read newspapers might be dwindling, there is still a place for papers. In fact, reading Rochester newspapers is a great way for anybody to keep up with all of the stories that are important to both them and their community.
In the morning, many will enjoy reading their favorite Rochester New York newspaper while sitting down at the breakfast table with a cup of coffee and a bit of breakfast before heading to work. Others might want to sit in their favorite recliner and get caught up on the news of the day while lounging after a long day in the office. Whatever the case may be, reading the paper is a great way to relax and a comfort for many who do not want to spend their free time on computers or watching TV.
One of the stories that many individuals might be concerned with, that they are likely to learn more about by reading Rochester NY newspapers, is the University of Rochester Medical Center administrator who committed fraud. The administrator pleaded guilty to fraud that awarded her almost $4 million in funds from the school. While what her punishment will be is still up for debate, and could change depending on how cooperative she is with the overall investigation, many individuals will want to read the paper every day to keep an eye on the story, especially since the U of R is such a vital part of the city.
Unfortunately, time issues and busy schedules mean that not everybody has time in their schedule to sit down and read Rochester newspapers every day. So in order to keep up with the URMC story, and others, they might have to hop online. Being able to access newspaper websites, and other news outlets, online allows individuals to get updates right at work without having to leave their desk. And, if they have a smartphone or tablet, they can get informed while on the go. That ability is a great advantage for anybody with busy schedules and a thirst for the latest news.