How to Hardwood Floor Sanding – Creative Decorating Ideas

Sanding can be a great way to revive flooring made of old wood. The Youtube video “Sanding Hardwood floors.” This tutorial shows you how do this.

The rental machine is the most important equipment for flooring sanding on hardwood. It is recommended to have a guard chamber placed with a piece building paper before beginning. In the entire sanding procedure, four types of paper are needed: 60, 80, 100 and 120 grid.

Sanding your room with the rental equipment is the initial step to take. It is important to go back and forth in a systematic fashion. Avoid the room’s edges during this process since they’re best handled using edges sanders.

Now, shift your starting point. It is now possible to touch the areas within the room which were not previously reachable with changing the position you start from.

You must keep in mind the dust bag of the rental machine and empty it when it’s filled. Also, you should smooth the machine out four times with a better grade grid paper at each.

Employ an edge sander smooth the edges of spaces once you’ve smoothed your spaces. Paint the room with polyurethane before cleaning it.
